Quantum Leaps

Quantum Leaps Can an ordinary person have a Quantum Leap?  We tend to think that its only extraordinary people that have them, that regular folk can’t or don’t.  We just plod along day to day. But we can have Quantum Leaps in our thinking, you know why? Cause Great Spirit Read more…

Blessing on your Work

Dear God, I dedicate to You my talents and abilities. May they be used in a way that serves Your purpose. I surrender to You my business and finance. May my work be lifted to its highest possibility. As a blessing on all the world. Amen Marianne Williamson

What is this Void?

Has it ever happened where you are sort of plugging away at something (work, a business or something else) and suddenly it all just feels wrong?  You are wondering what/why you’ve been chasing the dream in a particular way?  Listening to others whom you think have achieved something you want? Read more…