After the Dance !

body { background-color: blue; One of the main activities at the Sweet Beautiful Waters Peace Sound Chamber are the dances gifted to us by Grandfather Joseph Rael who is the inspiration for all we do.  We do regular ceremonies in order to remind ourselves of our place in the world. We gather seasonally and monthly to drum, chant, vision, make drums, and dance! This piece of writing was written post dance.  Enjoy. If you have Read more…

Maintaining Reverence

I give a lot of thought to communication and community, to how that works for me (or doesn’t) as the case may be.  I can get caught up in some old patterns and let it affect my communication with my husband or other loved ones.  I am probably a bit more careful when talking to those in my community but still and all……I really loved this idea of reverence that Charles Eisenstein speaks of in Read more…

Sun-Moon Dance Invitation

Many years ago, my Teacher, Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow) received a vision to offer people all around the world an opportunity to perform ceremony. Through this vision, he created the first Sound Chamber where one could experience the true meaning of sound and vibration as it exists in the natural world. He also offered various dances, which were an opportunity for people to connect with Great Spirit. These dances each bring their own unique Read more…

Message from the Andean Grandmother

Yesterday at Sunrise we sang to Grandfather Sun as we completed our time in the Dance Arbor.  It was a very quiet, very sacred time on the land.  Today I saw this message and feel it’s so important for all of us to hear.  I’ve been up/down and sideways these past weeks but this message solidified for me what vibration I want to be in.  I pray you feel it too.  I know I’m missing my Read more…

Thoughts on Dancing

There is wisdom in the teaching that for your first four Sun-Moon dances you should dance in your home community or rather in the one in which you started.  It helps you to get grounded in the beauty of the dance.  When I first started dancing, no one told me about that teaching so of course I started wandering right away.  I’m not sure why, I just felt the need to experience different places and Read more…

I made a mistake – AGAIN!

I’ve learned a valuable lesson, one that I’ve been taught before and I hope it sticks this time! For me, it’s all about clearing the air when something untoward happens. If someone talks trash about you, or misbehaves – especially during ceremony or other sacred times it is very very important to address it when it happens or shortly after that. What happens when we don’t? It festers – that’s what and it colors and Read more…

Listening – News from the Desert

Life can be complicated. With many decisions large and small that must be weighed, but do they really need so much weighing? Or is there another way? Perhaps we can ask Great Spirit for the answers – big and small – for the actions – big and small that we need to take each day. It is a huge challenge to do things this way and scary too but it is just so brilliant to Read more…

Do you ever pause?

Sadness, grief, joy, connection…..these are all things I experienced last night when I slept in our beautiful Dance Arbor. This year, we had to cancel our dance.  We didn’t have enough support but I’m discovering more than that, it was and is very important for me to pay attention to what I need too. As I cried, drummed, blew my whistle and listened…..I heard the quiet of the desert, the noises of others that were Read more…

Sweetgrass – a teaching by Wally Chartrand

I really enjoyed this teaching when I read it the other day…..I hope you do too! Jane Sweetgrass – a kindness medicine… has a sweet gentle aroma when we light it… 21 strands to make a braid… the first 7 strands represent those 7 generations behind us… our parents, grandparents… 7 generations behind us.. who we are and what we are is because of them.. they’ve brushed and made the trails we have been walking Read more…

TRUST and the DRUM – a Story

All of my life really, has been a journey towards trust.  Trust that the forces of the Universe are conspiring to support me, not betray me.  I get lessons big and small, all the time.  Right now though, I want to talk about one particular lesson. A few years ago, it was time to build our Dance Arbor and we were scratching our heads wondering how to pay for that.  We needed a backhoe to Read more…