Burden Basket

This morning as part of my “quiet time” I pulled a Medicine Card called the Burden Basket and in contemplating those teachings it really makes my heart sing in that there is such wisdom in walking the Red Road. Such a simple thing, a Burden Basket, used for carrying wood or food and still allowing the hands to be free; and yet there is so much more to this simple tool. The teachings are ones Read more…

Buffalo Medicine and Healing our Hearts

We all have situations from time to time that cause us a lot of emotional distress and I might even say grief and pain.  Usually it is with people who are very close to us. Recently, when this came up again for me I reached for the Animal Cards and Buffalo came to me that day.  There were many beautiful things said about abundance and prayers being answered but there was one particular passage that Read more…

Wintertime Musings

We all have situations in our lives that bother us and some that are painful.  Most of the time, it involves loved ones.  We can’t see eye to eye, we may even have a lot of ideas on how the relationship should work. If it isn’t working that way, if there is separation – we may have a lot of emotional pain too. We all have different ways of dealing with those sorts of situations; Read more…

September thoughts

Walking with intent and ceremonial dancing are ways to connect with the inner, infinite self.  The metaphor that is enacted is the collision of the foot with the ground. The foot is how we move out in life. In ceremonial walking and dancing, the foot connects with the ground, which is the symbol of the infinite self. Joseph Rael – Being and Vibration I keep trying to find the words to talk about Dancing and Read more…

Listening is Giving

For the true human, the first thing is to find out how to listen. Listening is different from seeing. Seeing, and the eyes, were created so we could move into things and through things. The ear, on the other hand, was created for the art of giving. One of the attributes of the ear is the giveaway; to give into the effort of giving, to give into effort itself, the effort we can find in Read more…


Writings from Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow) Ordinary life is continually talking to us, but we eat too much salt and sugar. Salt in your body steals your light. It robs you of your capacity to see physically…When the salt level drops, it creates a resonance of craving, a vacuum that calls light into it… Sugar makes our blood cry. It gives us a craving and makes us jittery. We have no peace. We are Read more…

Sacred Dance

When we make a commitment to do ceremonial Dance it is for at least four years in the case of a Sun/Moon Dance, and six years for a Drum Dance. There is preparation to be made before we enter the Arbor, in terms of time, money, materials but most of all we prepare our minds and bodies. We are asked to make prayer ties, the number depends upon the Chief and sometimes it is a Read more…

Self Care = Self Love

It’s amazing really how hard it is for most of us to take care of ourselves when we are sick, or to rest when we are tired or to honor our bodies by eating well. Somethin’ is up with that!  I know a lot of people who struggle with it and collectively our workplaces encourage us to work even when we are sick.  Maybe there are no paid sick days or it’s just the vibe Read more…


“Everything that exists on the surface of the land is really an extension of the land. Ceremonies are about these extensions of land, or how land expresses itself in its highest natural form.” ~ Joseph Rael People often ask me why I do ceremonies like Dances or Sweat Lodges and my answer was sometimes inadequate. I do them because there is something in me that loves them; that loves the effort required. The effort helps Read more…

Panic and Confusion

What happens to you, when you feel panic and confusion?  Different things happen for me, sometimes I feel paralyzed and sometimes I know one small thing to do that just might help. This morning, I thought of the just one small thing…..it doesn’t guarantee that there are answers but I’m pretty sure they will come. I am so blessed to have the sacred space of the Peace Chamber that I can sit inside of to Read more…