Now is the time to get connected; to something bigger than yourself – so you can really thrive with Divine Guidance!
Are YOU dealing with feelings of isolation and disconnection? Maybe you find yourself overspending and in debt or perhaps you are even in relationships that are damaging to you. Why does this happen? It happens because we are looking for something outside to cope with our feelings of isolation and disconnection. If this is you then you are in the right place!
You may be:
- Struggling with too much debt or a compulsion to overspend
- Exhausted from not enough time to nourish yourself
- Anxious about the relationship you are in
- But are ready to look at and change old patterns no matter what.
I can relate, I’ve been here myself and I’m here to tell you there IS a way to change these unhealthy patterns. If you’ve read this far then I’ll bet you are ready to jump start this transformation!
This retreat is for YOU if:
- You are depleted, tired and ready to heal old wounds so you can finally fulfill your highest potential
- You know there is a better way to be in the world and you want to be one of the women creating change now
- You are looking for a way to jump start a new direction so you can finally make the changes you’ve wanted
- You really want to step into your full power as a woman so you can earn the money you know you deserve
We are moving from the harvest time in the West to the Visioning time of the North for this Retreat Scheduled November 1-3, 2013
Raven is guiding us on this Retreat and here is an excerpt from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson used here with the Author’s permission.
“Raven magic is a powerful medicine that can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. Raven guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel “dis-ease” or illness.”
What you will get from attending “Entering the Void: Using Raven Magic for Personal Transformation”?
- Relief from patterns such as overspending so you can create the abundance you want,
- A new sense of worth and wellbeing so you can change relationship patterns that no longer serve you, freeing you to create healthy relationships and healthy boundaries,
- Most importantly you will get to have an overnight Vision Quest inside Sweet Beautiful Waters Peace Sound Chamber so you can go deep into your own connection to Great Spirit and emerge with clarity regarding your next steps. The Peace Sound Chamber is a sacred space that sits on a vortex of energy here in Tucson – the energy goes deep into the Earth and out into the sky creating a powerful healing space.
- Bring your confusion and pain to the Peace Chamber and lay it down. You can rest there and receive clarification in a way you never have before,
- Emerge from this Retreat with a deep connection to Great Spirit and answers to your queries and concerns. This will free you to move ahead in a powerful way with decisions that flow easily.
Here is what Patricia Campbell from Englewood CO has to say about being in the Peace Chamber for only an hour.
“I wanted to tell you that the energy from the Peace Chamber is still in my bones, in my cellular memory. It had a huge impact on me. I wanted to stay in there forever.”
Buy Now
The cost for this amazing opportunity is $1297 with a pay in full price of $997 which is a savings to YOU of $300!
If you would prefer a payment plan lets talk! That option is available with a deposit of $600 upon acceptance of your application and the final payment of $697 is due by October 30th.
Use this link to schedule your FREE Spirit Strategy Session so we can determine if this Retreat is right for you.
Remember if you pay in full there is a $300 savings AND you get your Earthwalker Flower Essence (a $97 value)
We will begin on Day 1 with your arrival in Tucson. If you are flying in plan to arrive between 4-5 pm so the limo service can pick you up.
After getting settled in, we will have dinner and then we will have orientation and opening ceremonies in the Chamber.
Day 2 We will break our fast and have a teaching and talking circle, drumming and chanting as well as the 7 Point Empowerment which is done in the Four Directions and is similar to Tai Chi. Around mid-day we will get settled into the Chamber for our overnight Vision Quest. We will be doing this part of the Retreat in silence and we will be fasting so we can remove all distractions and create an optimum environment for deep listening.
Day 3 We begin with the Sunrise Ceremony and then go into the Sweat Lodge to complete our purification. Breakfast will be served after the Lodge and you will be encourage to remain quiet in Sacred Space so you can walk on the Land and find a spot to journal your insights and Visions.
We will have a break to clean up and change then return to the Chamber for closing ceremonies and finishing the day with a Feast.
Accommodations, food and transportation to and from the airport are included in the price of the Retreat. We also have some special gifts to offer you when you arrive.
If you choose to pay in full you will receive a bottle of Earthwalker Flower Essence to begin using immediately in preparation for our time together. This essence was created with the vortex energies near Sedona AZ and is for balancing masculine and feminine energy. This bonus gift is valued at $97 and is yours FREE when you sign up and pay in full.
The cost for this amazing opportunity is $1297 with a pay in full price of $997 which is a savings to YOU of $300!
If you would prefer a payment plan lets talk! That option is available with a deposit of $600 upon acceptance of your application and the final payment of $697 is due by October 30th.
Use this link to schedule your FREE Spirit Strategy Session so we can determine if this Retreat is right for you.
Jane Innmon
PS. Remember if you pay in full there is a $300 savings AND you get your Earthwalker Flower Essence (a $97 value)
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